Applying for a Preparatory Course

Are you considering a creative study, but not sure which direction? Would you like to build up a portfolio before applying for a bachelor's programme at an art academy? Then sign up for a Preparatory course at HKU!

Preparatory Courses

Apply for the Preparatory Course HKU Utrecht Conservatory

To register for the Preparatory Course HKU Utrecht Conservatory, follow the registration procedure for the regular Bachelor's degree. You can submit a 'enrollment request' for the Bachelor of Music in Studielink. In the questionnaire and during your practical admission you indicate that you want to apply for the Preparatory Course.

Apply for other Preparatory Courses

Registration for the Music and Technology Preparatory Course, the Fine Art Preparatory Course or the Broad Preparatory Course is done through the Osiris registration system.

Sign up via Osiris!

When we have received your application you will be invited by e-mail for an admission.

Enrolment conditions

All rights and duties with regard to enrolment are established in the Enrolment conditions preparatory and contract courses.


Do you have questions? First check if the answer is in the frequently asked questions.

Are you stuck? Then contact one of our study advisors via the Service Desk Student Affairs.

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