HKU Press is part of HKU. Our publications are meant as a bridge between research projects, education and the professional field. The publications are produced solely from HKU-affiliated research, by (lecturing) researchers, professors and students. They are intended for educational purposes, our professional field and other interested parties. As art research is often conducted internationally, we often publish in English as well as in Dutch. HKU Press is an imprint (publishing house) of International Theatre and Film Books (ITFB).
HKU Press
HKU Press makes the results of practical research available to a wide public. We share innovative insights and contribute to discussions on important themes for artists and makers. You can read more about the HKU Press publications and order them on this page.
HKU Press
About HKU Press

Our Mission
The goal of HKU Press is to draw attention to the results of HKU research, in order to reinforce HKU’s education and research. HKU thereby aims to contribute to the development of practice-based research in the arts. HKU’s research focuses on creative processes and is relevant to society. We encourage collaboration between education and research, and share innovations and research results with the professional field.
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WELLICHTStappen in het onbekende - handboek muzisch werkSuperhero of designzero?Klamme handen en gedeelde grond - Karijodirono & KnollenburgLudo didactics - Willem-Jan Renger & Evert HogendoornOpenbare les - Walter van Andel en Veerle SpronckTen Thousand Idiots - Nirav ChristopheDansende tongen - Annet Bremen e.a. The Art of Meandering - Corrie NagtegaalInner Play - Eva den HeijerEen lichaam van water kan niet breken - Edna AzulayInto polyphonies unknown - Gaia's MachinePhonetic Stories - Ninke OverbeekThe Sound Track - Rens MachielseIf You Are Not There, Where Are You? - Henny Dörr & Falk HübnerHet naakte schrijven - Nirav Christoph