Expanding Artistic Practices

The professorship Expanding Artistic Practices explores how artists and designers can collaborate on an equal basis with people from other, non-artistic domains. Through transdisciplinary research and education, it develops methods to prepare creative practitioners for their new role in society.

Transdisciplinary co-creation

Following on the conclusion of the professorship Performative Making Processes, Nirav Christophe launched a new research group that puts a sharper focus on transdisciplinary co-creation: Expanding Artistic Practices (In Dutch: Grensverleggende Artistieke Praktijken). In the coming years, this initiative will explore how co-creation can be made cross-disciplinary and equitable for all participants.

The goal is to eventually use these research results for developing tools, methods, and approaches that benefit young artists and designers in their increasingly hybrid creative practice. By teaching them to collaborate with unexpected partners in diverse contexts, their art can make a meaningful contribution to tackling major societal challenges.

Internships and research lounges

The professorship had its official kick-off on 23 November 2023, at the symposium Mind the GAP. Scientists, artists, designers, culture creators, and education professionals worked together here on real-world case studies. In the coming period, the limits of transdisciplinary co-creation will be further explored. For this purpose, collaborations are formed within thematic research groups - comprising around twenty lecturing researchers from various HKU schools. Five of them are conducting their practice-based research as part of a doctoral (PD/PhD) programme. Research internships have also been set up for students from different schools.

Moreover, research lounges are being organised, where students and lecturers not yet involved in the research group are explicitly invited to participate. The professorship is open to everyone who studies or works at HKU. All their experiences will eventually be used to better align arts education to the professional practice where HKU alumni will end up.

Enhancement of pilot projects

Several successful pilot projects from the previous research period are continued within the new research group. Examples include Performing Working, Prikkel, Robotstories (henceforth: Expanding Narratives), and In Search of Stories. In the latter project, the medical centre UMC Amsterdam collaborated for several years on an exploration of how experiencing and creating art can support terminally ill patients during the final stage of life. Nine artists were trained and guided to co-create artworks with four spiritual caregivers and twenty-three terminally ill patients. This process proved valuable for all involved - patients, artists, and researchers alike. It gained, for example, a new form of support for coping with an incurable illness, artistic interpretations of complex themes, and the development of new training methods for transdisciplinary co-creation.

After the final exhibition, on display at the hospital until February 2024, the work will proceed on a publication to document the project and interpret its significance for the professional and educational field.

Research area

  • The professorship has three themed research group, each investigating how certain artistic fields and contexts can keep expanding their boundaries:

    - the research group Expanding Scenography
    - the research group Expanding Voices
    - the research group Expanding Dissemination

    Core team

    Nirav Christophe, professor
    Heny Dörr, senior researcher
    Marjolijn van den Berg, coordinator research areas



    The professorship Expanding Artistic Practices is part of the research field Creative Making processes and Multidisciplinarity.

  • The research group Expanding Artistic Practices focuses on transdisciplinary collaborations: research projects are conducted with partners from the professional practice and other domains. The partners involved in the current research projects are:
    PRIKKEL: a collaborative project by Schweigman &, Buitenplaats Doornburgh, HKU and UMC Utrecht.

    In Search of Stories: the collaborating partners in this project are Amsterdam University Medical Centre, Maastricht University Medical Centre, Amsta, Spaarne Gasthuis Haarlem, Radboud University Nijmegen, HKU Utrecht University of the Arts, KWF Dutch Cancer Society, Stichting Geneeskunst, Stichting voor Patiënten met Kanker aan het Spijsverteringskanaal.

    Robotstories / Expanding Narratives: the partners in this project are: literary organisation Wintertuin, Vrije Universiteit, ArtEZ, plus healthcare organisations Vitalis WoonZorgGroep and AxionContinu.

    Performing Working: this project is a transdisciplinary collaboration between the HKU professorship Performative Making processes and the Avans professorship Cultural and Creative Industries, with academic hospital (UMCU) and the cultural presentation institution Marres (House for Contemporary Culture), directed by the works of artistic researcher Philippine Hoegen.

  • HKU regularly publishes books and other media. You can find them in our publication database and at our publishing house HKU Press. Our publications are meant as a bridge between the fields of research, education, and the professional field. Among last year’s publications are: Superhero or Design Zero, Denk je dat de robot eenzaam is ’s nachts (i.e. ‘Do you think your robot is lonely at night?’) and Een informele handleiding voor ziekte (i.e. ‘an informal guideline for illness’).

  • Aina Roca
    André Aguedes
    Anke Jongejan
    Anne Leijdekkers
    Ariane Trümper
    Daniela Moosmann
    Els Cornelis
    Hannah Wierda (former intern)
    Henny Dörr
    Isabel Vegaznones (intern)
    Jorrit Thijn
    Judith Hazeleger
    Lies Wijnterp
    Lisa Tiersma
    Marcel Dolman
    Marieke Vriend
    Marjolijn van den Berg
    Marloeke van der Vlugt
    Martijn de Rijk
    Ninke Overbeek
    Nirav Christophe
    Nynke Winkler Prins
    Philippine Hoegen
    Sohrab Kashani
    Tjallien Walma van der molen
    Trudy Hekman
    Vinny Jones
    Yiling Hun

    Coaching Committee:
    Caspar Nieuwenhuis
    Mir Wermuth
    Milona Reigman
    Emilly Huurdeman
    Marcel Cobussen


More pilots will be enhanced the coming time, along with the launch of new projects and the publication of more results. Would you like to stay informed or join in? You can register for one of the upcoming research lounges or send an email to research@hku.nl.