1. Motivation
The motivation is a fillable PDF. Use of this file is mandatory; as this will be integrated with other parts of your study plan over the course of the next 2 years. In the motivation you describe your technical and creative skills, your contextual focus and your research and development skills.
You will do this based on the four competencies we describe in the document. Together, this will give us insight into your development as a musician in recent years, and tell us how you wish to use your master course for your professional development.
You can fill out the pdf file digitally. Download the Motiviation (pdf) and after completing this motivation save the document. Use as file name: last name.motivation.pdf
2. Curriculum Vitae
In your Curriculum Vitae you mention your personal details, relevant studies and work experiences. Save the document in a PDF file. Use as file name: last name.cv.pdf
Deadline and uploaden Motivation and CV
We kindly ask you to submit your motivation and CV before the upload deadline mentioned in the email you received from us. Under the heading 'Create account and upload documents' you can read how to upload the documents.
If you have not uploaded your documents before the deadline, we will conclude that you do no longer want to partake in the admission and your entrance examination will end.