Admission Musician 3.0

Thank you for applying for a bachelor's program at HKU Utrechts Conservatorium, Musician 3.0.

Admission Musician 3.0


On this page you will find all the information regarding the admission for a bachelor's program at HKU Utrechts Conservatorium, Musician 3.0. So read this page carefully!

The entrance exam consists of three parts.

Entrance Examination

  • The home assignment consists of four parts:

    1. Questionnaire
    Click HERE to download the questionnaire. Fill in the questionnaire and save the document in a PDF file. Use file name: surname.questionnaire.pdf

    2. Two of your own works/compositions/tracks
    These can be recordings, YouTube videos, written scores (pdf), mp3s, and so on. Anything you can use to show us who you are and what you stand for.

    3. Motivation letter (maximum 1 A4)
    In the motivation letter you indicate why you want to follow the Musician 3.0 study. The letter is in fact an instruction for self-reflection. Save the document in a PDF file. Use file name: surname.motivation.pdf

    4. Curriculum Vitae
    Describe experiences relevant to our bachelor program's profile. E.g. any other courses you took, your experience in a band or ensemble, your own website, a Facebook/Myspace account etc. Save the document in a PDF file. Use file name:


    We kindly ask you to submit your home assignment before the upload deadline mentioned in the email you received from us.


    You can upload the home assignment via the UC upload tool. Look on this page under the heading 'Create account and upload home assignment' for further instructions.

  • The theory exam will be take place on Saturday 1 or 8 March at HKU Utrechts Conservatorium. In due course you can choose yourself on which Saturday you want to take the theory exam.

    The theoretical part of the entrance exam consists of a written theory test and an ear training test. There are many ways to prepare yourself for these tests. For example with the use of online ear trainers. Search for music theory trainer, ear training online, solfege training online etc.

    These are the subjects you may find in those tests:


    • Recognizing & writing intervals
    • Writing major and minor scales
    • Transposing a melodic fragment
    • Recognizing and writing triads by name and/or symbol; minor, major, augmented, diminished. In root position & inversions.
    • Recognizing & writing seventh chords; m7, 7, maj7, m7b5, dim7 in root position. These may be tested in a combination of G-clef and F-clef.

    Ear training test

    • Recognizing intervals that are played on piano.
    • Recognizing triads; minor, major (also in inversions), augmented & diminished (both in root position).
    • A short melody is played. Write down the melody in G-clef (the first note is given).
    • At the ear training test you will get the sheet music of a simple melody, in G-clef. The first note is played. You may sing the scale of the melody first so you get an idea of the right notes. Then you sing the melody, to the best of your abilities, in a calm tempo.
    • In the same way, you will get a rhythm to tick/clap or sing.
    • Apart from these exercises, you could be asked to tick/sing a played groove, repeat a melody that is played on the piano, or to improvise on a simple chord progression.

    Below an Example theory entrance exam Musician 3.0
    Example theory entrance exam

    Please note:

    • If you are currently following the Preparatory Course at HKU Utrechts Conservatorium, the theoretical examination will take place during the lessons. The teacher will inform you about this in due time.
    • If you have an exemption for the theoretical examination, you will receive a confirmation by e-mail before 1 March.
  • The practice admissions will take place between 31 March and 11 April 2025. You will receive an e-mail no later than 15 March 2025 with more information about the first round.

    The practical entrance exam consists of two rounds. The first round is from 31 March and 4 April and the second round from 7 to 11 April. If, on the first round of your admission, you convince the committee of your suitability for this program, you will receive an invitation for the second round.

    Please note: If you are currently following the Preparatory Course at HKU Utrechts Conservatorium, you are exempted from the first round of the practical entrance exam.

    Admission assignment practical entrance examination

    For the practical entrance exam, you need to prepare an assignment in advance. Below the admission assignment.

    Admission Assignment BMuS Musician 3.0

Comments Admission

  • If you have not uploaded your home assignment before the deadline, we will conclude that you do no longer want to partake in the admission and your entrance examination will end.
  • If you convince the committee of your suitability for the program during the first round, you will receive an invitation for the second round of the practical entrance exam.

Create account and upload home assignment

After uploading your document(s), you will receive a confirmation by email within three working days.

The instructions on how to create an account for the UC upload tool and upload your home assignment: Upload instructions (pdf)

Click here to create an account for the UC upload tool and upload your home assignment.

No admission

If you want to cancel the entrance examination, you can withdraw your application request by Studielink.


Please check the answer to your question is listed under FAQ, under the category 'Admission'.

If you have any other questions, please contact the HKU Service Desk Student Affairs by e-mail via or phone +31 (0)30 2091540.