Rooms for Fine Art and Design students

SSH has five studio apartments for students of the HKU Fine Art and HKU Design schools. Find out how you can qualify.

Register for the waiting list

The accommodation for students of HKU Fine Art and HKU Design comprises independent living units with studio space. There is a waiting list for this type of accommodation. The turnover is extremely low, so you will have to wait a long time until an apartment becomes vacant. The average rent is around € 700 per month. You can apply for housing benefit for these apartments.

You can only register after admission to HKU, with a login code provided by HKU.

Waiting list checks

You need to confirm your place on the waiting least once a year. You will receive a message via your student mail. If you fail to respond promptly then you lose your place on the waiting list. So keep an eye on your email.

Campus Clause

A campus clause applies to this accommodation. You are only permitted to live there if you are registered with HKU. Once you have graduated and if you leave the course, you must leave the accommodation within one year.