Health insurance
Before you come to the Netherlands, it is important to make sure that you have made arrangements to be properly insured for medical costs. Please read the information and review the options we have provided on health insurance.Which health insurance do I need?
You will need adequate insurance cover to safeguard against high costs resulting from an accident or illness. This will ensure that unexpected problems do not lead to major financial risks. There are different types of coverage: a private insurance, international student insurance or a public Dutch health insurance. You will find more information on the Study in Holland website and the Zorgverzekeringslijn.
Health insurance from your home country
If your stay in the Netherlands is temporary (less than 1 year) it is possible that your health insurance from your home country provides you with coverage in the Netherlands. Please check if your insurance company can provide you with an international declaration in English.
Are you an EU national? Check if your insurance company can provide you with a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC-card). Please check how long the insurance will cover you abroad and what the conditions are. This varies per country.
Make sure to bring the EHIC-card with you to the Netherlands. You will need it when you see a doctor in the Netherlands.
Health insurance for international students
If you are not covered by your healthcare insurance from your home country while in the Netherlands, you will have to take out another healthcare insurance. AON and Insure to Study offers special policies available for international students in the Netherlands.
Please note; If you already have a medical condition this then is generally not covered by insurance companies offering health insurance packages for international students.
For the AON insurance you will need to have a Dutch address to apply for this type of insurance. Please make sure you have a travel insurance to cover the first period of your stay in the Netherlands! This is very important, since you don't want to risk having to pay high medical costs in case of a, for example, medical emergency.
Public Dutch health insurance
In case you have a part-time job you need to take out public Dutch health insurance. Also when you get married, have childeren or buy a house your status in the Netherlands changes from student (temporary) to permanent. In all these cases you have to take out public Dutch health insurance. It is mandatory to have at least a basic health insurance. You can also get an additional insurance, depending what your health care needs are. This is not mandatory.
Please visit the website of Zorgverzekeringslijn for information on this subject.
There is a discount for HKU students with Zilveren Kruis Achmea. To get the discount rate you will have to use a special number for HBO students: 207000892. For more information: Zilveren Kruis
Via Independer you are able to compare health insurance companies.
Healthcare benefit
You may be eligible to get healthcare benefit if you have a public Dutch health insurance. Please note that this allowance is not applicable to student insurance such as AON and Insure to Study. Please visit the Belastingdienst website to see what the excact conditions are and apply via their website.
Self-employed / paid internship
A registration at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce to work on self-employed basis or an internship does not automatically mean that you need to have a public Dutch health insurance.
It is important to contact the Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB) to request for an investigation of your insurance situation under the Wlz scheme. They will investigate if you need a Dutch basic health insurance based on your personal situation. You can do this online with a DigiD via the SVB website. If you do not have a DigiD you can use the SVB application form.
Applying for a VVR?
Please note that for a VVR visa for study the IND requires that you have extensive insurance coverage, which even covers admission to a mental hospital or sanatorium.
Do not risk a fine!
In the Netherlands everyone is obliged to have a health insurance. If not it is possible you will get a fine. If there is suspicion you are not well insured you will receive a letter of CAK. Here you can read what to do in that case.
Language of your insurance documents
Whichever type of insurance you have, make sure that the insurance documents are written in one of the following European languages: English, French, German.