Graphic Design

Graphic Design - Exchange


Graphic Design


Year 2


1 or 2 (start in September or February)




Dutch / English (please see below for more information on language)

Course information

The HKU Bachelor of Design in Graphic Design trains you to become a versatile, critical and engaged expert in the field of visual communication. We teach you to conduct extended research and develop interesting concepts for visual communication and to execute these concepts in a variety of media and in different collaborations. In the intensive Graphic Design programme, there is a close relationship between research, practice, vision and reflection. You will continually be challenged to transform research into applications that are significant not just at the moment, but in the future as well.

Graphic design does not have one definitive form. The profession is constantly changing and it gives great scope for innovation. Today’s graphic designers have to deal not only with the new role of users of the design (‘everyone is a designer’), but also with increasing internationalisation, a changing economy and overlapping disciplines. The boundaries between disciplines are blurring. HKU prepares you for this. If you want to be a designer of consequence in the future, you will need to able to conduct intensive media research, initiate projects, work with a wide range of disciplines, look over the borders, make connections, develop a design vision and reflect on your own practice. HKU Graphic Design gives you the tools to do so.

During your exchange you will take part in the first or second semester of year 2. You will work on a project combined with supporting theory, research and skills modules. In this project you will work on graphic, visual and theoretical research into a professional, cultural political or social theme and manifest a personal stance.

During your exchange you will also take part in the module Cultural Studies, which is a theoretical course for exchange students on (Dutch) art and culture.

During the seminar period you will have the opportunity to choose a two-week workshop (seminar) from 1 of the 9 schools at HKU. You will work in an interdisciplinary setting for a period of two weeks.

In January you will have the choice to participate in a two-week intensive international seminar called “Imagining Tomorrow International” in which students from different disciplines and nationalities will collaborate to address questions about future design thinking (MED-SEM..-24). You will work for real clients from public and private organizations. In an international and multidisciplinary team you will delve into questions of sustainability, well being, technology, creative industries, science, mobility, transportation, urban space, education and art. The clients will direct these questions. You will use your creativity to expose social and commercial problems of clients in an original and visionary way and to propose interdisciplinary solutions.

Programme for exchange students Graphic Design semester 1

Course: ECTS credits: Code and description 2024-2025:
Design Projects 2A 4 GRA-2-DP2A-19
Design Projects 2B 4 GRA-2-DP2B-19
Skills 2A 4 GRA-2-SK2A-21
Skills 2B 6 GRA-2-SK2B-21
Theory 2A 4 GRA-2-TH2A-18
Media NL 5 ENG-MEDNL-22
Medialabs 2 MED-LAB-24
Elective courses (choose 1 of 2):
HKU Seminar 2 SEM-MED..-24
International seminar Imagining Tomorrow 3 MED-SEMINT-23

Programme for exchange students Graphic Design semester 2

Course: ECTS credits: Code and description 2024-2025:
Design Projects 2C 8 GRA-2-DP2C-19
Skills 2C 6 GRA-2-SK2C-19
Skills 2D 4 GRA-2-SK2D-19
Theory 2B 4 GRA-2-TH2B-18
Media NL 5 ENG-MEDNL-22
Medialabs 2 MED-LAB-24
HKU Seminar 2 SEM-MED..-24

Course descriptions

  1. Click on this link.
  2. Copy and paste the module codes into the 'course ID/name' field.

Place in the curriculum and related courses

This course is an obligatory regular part of year 2 of the Bachelor of Design in Graphic Design.


Please note that the Bachelor programme is mainly taught in Dutch and it is helpful for exchange students to be able to understand some Dutch. It is quite common that exchange students don't understand Dutch on a high level when they start an exchange at HKU Media and you will of course be supervised in English.