VVR renewal or change

The application procedure on this page applies to you if you need to renew your residence permit, change schools or change the purpose of your residence.

VVR renewal or change

In certain cases, it is necessary to renew or change your VVR. The application procedure on this page applies to you if one of the following situations is the case:

  • You need more time to graduate from a course at HKU (“renewal”)
  • Your residence permit for study expires on or before 1 December 2025 and you are about to start a new course at HKU (“renewal”)
  • You are an exchange student at HKU and you want to extend your exchange period ("renewal")
  • You have a residence permit with a purpose other than study, which will expire (or is not valid for study), and you are about to start your study at HKU (“change of purpose”)
  • You have a residence permit for study from another educational institution and you are about to start a course at HKU (“change of schools”) Please note, If your residence permit expires on or before 1 December 2025 you will have to start a renewal procedure!

Application procedure

Please read carefully about the steps you need to take for your residence permit. The deadline for submitting the completed application for the change (of schools/purpose) of your residence permit is 1 July. For renewal applications, the deadline is 1 August. For first semester exchange students wanting to extend their exchange period to the second semester, the deadline is 1 February.

Complete the application documents

We will ask you to upload the following documents in our uploading tool. This tool will be available as of 1 June and we will inform you about this by email. Please make sure to complete and sign the Antecedents declaration and the VVR Conditions declaration with a black or blue pen (no digital signature!).

Important: your personal details and signature on the documents must match with your passport!

1. Copy valid passport
Please make a colour copy of the pages with your personal details, picture, signature, the expiration date and all the pages with customs stamps on it.

2. Antecedents declaration (pdf)

3. VVR Conditions declaration (pdf) or VVR Conditions declaration for exchange (pdf)

4. Copy health insurance policy
You need to have health insurance which covers your medical costs in the Netherlands.

5. Proof of registration in the BRP (city hall administration)
Your Dutch address must be registered at your local city hall (BRP).

6. Document(s) concerning proof of finances
You need to prove that you have sufficient finances to cover day-to-day living expenses and to pay your tuition fee for 2025-2026. The required amount for living expenses for academic year 2025-2026 is set at € 1,110 x 12 months: € 13,320. The total amount you need to prove is €13,320 + tuition fee.
Exchange students don't pay tuition fee to HKU and will have to prove the amount for the living costs for the months of their stay.
The visa fee (€243) has to be paid separately; please see the information further down this page.
Please click below to see how you can prove your finances.
  • You can prove your finances via one of the following options:
    • with an official bank statement of your Dutch bank account
    • an internet print out of your Dutch bank account (requirements: dated in June/July and must include at least the date, your name, account number and balance)
    • by transferring the total amount to HKU bank account (see the transfer and reference information further down this page)*
    • with a scholarship certificate
    *If the money is transferred from a bank account of a third person (such as family, friend or partner) to the HKU bank account we need to receive a "declaration third person". The sponsor must declare the money is transferred on behalf of you and can be used for the payment of the tuition fee, the visa fee and your living expenses. The sponsor must also include a copy of his/her passport; the pages with the personal details and signature.

    Declaration third person

Other steps you need to take

There are two more things you need to do in order to complete this procedure and be enrolled at HKU:

1. Pay the VVR renewal/change fee
The fee for VVR renewal or change is €243. No fee is charged if you change schools. You can transfer the fee to HKU. If you change schools and your residence permit expires on or before 1 December 2025 you will have to start a renewal procedure and pay the visa fee.

Account information
Stichting Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht
Account number:
Iban code: NL70abna0218465998
Bic code: ABNANL2A
Daalsesingel 71, Utrecht
The Netherlands

Reference = your name, student number and 'for MVV/VVR'
You are responsible for all bank fees. Make sure you pay for any additional fees your bank may charge for international transfer. Make your payment only through a reliable bank.

2. Complete your enrolment and your digital payment authorisation in Studielink.
We will inform you by email when you can do this.

Approval by the IND

HKU will inform you by email when the renewal of your VVR has been approved by the IND. All new residence cards will be printed with biometric details. The IND may need (new) fingerprints and a digital photo. You can provide these at the IND desk. HKU will inform you by email when you can collect your card.