Insufficient Prior Education

Would you like to study at HKU but you don’t meet the required prior education requirements for the programme of your choice? See whether you can take the 18+/21+ test.

No diploma but still able to study at HKU

Would you like to study at HKU but are you not in possession of a VWO, HAVO or MBO (level 4) diploma? You should state this in your application through Studielink. You may still be able to take part in the admissions procedure for the programme of your choice.

Perhaps you have already applied but you didn’t pass your final exam. If so, please contact the HKU Student Affairs Service Desk.

Passed the entrance exam? Further test required

If you have been admitted on the basis of the entrance exam (subject to conditions), we will invite you to take the 18+/21+ test. This involves testing whether your general level of development is sufficient for studying at HKU. If you pass the test, you can enrol in your HKU programme. Please note that the Creative Media and Game Technologies programmes have a math requirement as well!

Please check out the conditions for taking the 18+/21+ test below.

Can’t access your original diploma?

Do you have an asylum residence permit (temporary or permanent) and can no longer access your original diplomas? Please contact the Service Desk Student Affairs to discuss your options.

18+/21+ test

HKU uses the MCT-H test, developed by NOA. This is a test you do at home, using your own laptop or computer. The MCT-H test is a Multicultural Capacities Test. It consists of 8 subtests. You can find some examples of the type of tests.

Since the test evaluates your capacities and not your knowledge, practicing is not really possible. The NOA website gives you an idea of the type of assignments and it offers a practice test.

You take the test at home. Your will be monitored using proctoring. For this, we need access to the camera and microphone of your computer. Read more information about proctoring.

The MCT-H is an internet-based test, using the browser Google Chrome. A week before the actual test you will receive a request to check your system. In this way we hope to avert any issues at the day of the test. In both the system check and the actual test you will be asked to identify yourself with a passport or ID-card.

Your test results will be compared to a norm group: “First year students”. You pass the test when your grading is at least a low average compared to the norm group.

You will receive the results of the test via email so you can view your scores yourself.

If you pass the test, you will be exempted from the prior education requirement. The results will be announced via email and through your Studielink account within three weeks of taking the test.
  • The 18+ test applies to Associate Degree programmes and the following Bachelor’s programmes:

    • Bachelor of Music (BMus)
    • Bachelor of Design (BDes)
    • Bachelor of Fine Art (BFA)
    • Bachelor of Theatre (BTh)
    • Bachelor of Theatre in Education
    • Bachelor of Music in Education
    • Bachelor of Fine Art and Design in Education.

    The 21+ test may applies to the following programmes (for which you have to be 21 years or older):

    • Bachelor Art and Economics (BAE)
    • Creative Media and Game Technologies (BCMGT) *

    * BCMGT covers the following programmes: Game Art, Game Design, Game Development, Sound Design and Audio Design.

    Additional math requirement for BCMGT programmes

    The Creative Media and Game Technologies (BCMGT) programmes are also subject to a mathematics requirement. The 21+ test only exempts you from the prior education requirement. For the BCMGT programmes, you also have to submit one of the following certificates in Mathematics A or B: state examination, VAVO or a Boswell Bèta certificate.

  • HKU offers the 18+/21+ test on three dates:

    • Tuesday 7 May 2024
    • Tuesday 2 July 2024
    • Thursday 22 August 2024
    • To take part in the test, you must be 18 or 21 years or older on 1 September of the year in which you wish to start the programme.
    • You can only take the test after you have been admitted to the HKU programme of your choice.
    • The test will be held on three separate occasions each year. Up to 40 people can partake in the test at any one time.
    • You will be invited to partake in the test after you have applied to take part and after you have paid the test fees.
    • You can only take the test once a year.
    • The test results are valid for one year.
  • The test fee is 75 euros.

    You must pay the test fee at least two weeks before the date of your test, via iDEAL. Please note that if you do not pay on time, you are exempted from partaking in the test. If you have paid your fee for the test but don’t partake in it, the fee will not be refunded. An exception can only be made if you can demonstrate force majeure. Any costs made by HKU will be deducted from the paid fee.

    Rescheduling the test to a later date after you have registered for the system check will result in an additional charge of 25 euros for costs already incurred.

  • Do you have a disability such as dyslexia or ADD and do you need more time for each test? For this adaptation you have to contact HKU at least 3 weeks before the test date. The documents needed have to be uploaded at least 2 weeks prior to the test.

    Please follow the steps below:

    1. Please compose an email to and put the words adaptation test in the subject line of your email. Add your name and student number to the email and send it. You will then receive a link to a secure page for uploading the necessary documents. Please do not send this information by email!
    2. Upload the relevant documents via the secure link:
    • dyslexia statement’ with the report of the examination or;
    • official document about e.g. AD(H)D or other concentration problems;
    We will confirm having received your documents by email.

    Make sure you send you documents on time and according to the timeline laid out above as it is not possible to make adaptations to the test retroactively.

Find out more

Please contact the Student Affairs Service Desk. They can help you with any questions about (almost) everything that has to do with studying at HKU.

Telephone: (+31)(0)30-2091540
Location: Nieuwekade 1, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Postal address: HKU OSZ, Postbus 1520, 3500 BM Utrecht, The Netherlands