Each encounter revolves around a theme that is relevant to both cultures, such as happiness, love or time travel. The duos start off as strangers, often seeming to each other as if they “come from another world”. At the beginning of the project, differences like age, interests and media use are noticeable. The introduction of the theme to the project forms a shared basis of associations and memories for the participants. From this basis, the final product is developed over the course of a series of talks. The result is performed once in the surroundings of the culture that has contributed the story.
Community Songwriting
When a listener is moved by music, it creates an emotional bond between listener and composer. This bond is usually anonymous and accidental. HKU’s Community Songwriting project makes the connection between composer and listener personal and a conscious choice.
Community Songwriting
What is Community Songwriting?
Each encounter revolves around a theme that is relevant to both cultures, such as happiness, love or time travel. The duos start off as strangers, often seeming to each other as if they “come from another world”. At the beginning of the project, differences like age, interests and media use are noticeable. The introduction of the theme to the project forms a shared basis of associations and memories for the participants. From this basis, the final product is developed over the course of a series of talks. The result is performed once in the surroundings of the culture that has contributed the story.