Voices for Safety (Stemmen voor veiligheid)

The HKU research project Stemmen voor Veiligheid addresses the persistent problems in the Dutch youth care system, that is dealing with a negative and polarised image in the public debate.

Visualising complexity

The many and diverse voices that are involved in the problems within youth care situations, often remain unheard. In this research, we will explore how art can help enhance these voices and visualise the complexity of the problems, by allowing people to tell their stories in their own way, without judgement or jumping to solutions.

Connection through personal stories

The project is conducted by students of HKU Theatre, professionals and experience experts from youth care and theatre group STUT (Dutch website), who create community theatre: a form of theatre that is particularly about the mutual connections that people force on the basis of their personal stories.

Promoting multivocality

The central research question is: how can artistic, transdisciplinary, co-creative making process promote multivocality in the social context and around youth care; what knowledge and skills are required for this and how can we make these transferable? The goal of the project is to eventually bring these unheard voices out in the open, and to better prepare theatre students and their education for working as creators in such complex transdisciplinary contexts.

Stemmen voor Veiligheid is a project by HKU Theatre, the HKU professorship Grensverleggende Artistieke Praktijken, STUT Theatre and partners vanuit jeugdbescherming.


Stemmen voor Veiligheid is a project by HKU Theatre, the HKU professorship Grensverleggende Artistieke Praktijken ('Pioneering Artistic Practices'), STUT Theatre and partners in youth care.

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More information?

Do you have any questions or want to know more about the project Stemmen voor Veiligheid? Please contact Judith Leest at: judith.leest@hku.nl