Knowledge demand among cultural managers
Although the cultural sector has been making progress in its professionalisation for over a decade, an open letter in 2019 expressed an urgency to further professionalise the strategic and financial risk management in the performaning arts.
Conversations about the implementation of the governance code also revealed that knowledge about the standardisation methods for financial and strategic policy are lacking. Managers in the cultural sector indicate that they do not have the knowledge and instruments required for effective risk management. This research project aims to fill this gap.
The toolbox further helps cultural managers to find a balance between strategic and financial risk on the one hand, and their artistic and societal risks on the other. The toolbox can link the recurring work practices of these managers to a long-term policy.
Collective development
We are creating this toolbox together with cultural managers and other stakeholders, because it is especially their knowledge of the practice that we want to gather and use for its development. The results of this research eventually enable the implementation of professional and standardised risk management conducted by managers in the performing arts sector.