Creative Entrepreneurship

The HKU Programme Creative Entrepreneurship assists students, teachers and alumni in developing their entrepreneurial skills. We do this by increasing their creative flexibility, strategic insights, and above all: stimulate an active entrepreneurial attitude.

What we do

Promote business skills

Not every art student will become an independent entrepreneur, but still, all art students must have sound business skills. That’s because looking beyond the borders of your personal professional practice is becoming more and more important for being employable in the artistic and creative industry.

The Creative Entrepreneurship Programme is meant to help the development of such skills among students, teachers and alumni. The goal is not just limited to sound economic prospects. The focus is just as much on meaningful contribution to society, social entrepreneurship and innovative thinking. We focus particularly on partnerships inside and outside Utrecht, and link education to business wherever they can enhance each other.

Alumni-for-Alumni Meetups

The Creative Entrepreneurship Programme fosters mutual contact between alumni during Alumni-for-Alumni Meetups. These meetings can be visited by both starts and more experienced professionals. Younger and older graduates thereby have a chance to meet each other, share their knowledge, skills and network and work on collective assignments. Are you an HKU alumnus? Then join us and meet young new creators. Discover new talents and new ways of thinking and working. Or maybe you are just starting and want to learn from alumni who are more experienced?


View all publications here

Related initiatives

Below you can get a glimpse of our activities.

Who we are

Our people

Arlette Kerkhof - programme manager
Ingrid Mooy - project leader
Jitske Hirs - account manager
Tom van de Wetering - project assistant HKU X
Annette Knol - coordinator programme, production & community HKU X




Programma Creatief Ondernemerschap
Nieuwekade 1
3511 RV Utrecht

Ina Boudier-Bakkerlaan 50 (turn left right after entering)
3582 VA Utrecht

Post address

HKU t.a.v. Programma Creatief Ondernemerschap
Postbus 1520, 3500 BM Utrecht