For the arts! The future demands artistic imaginary power

  • 14 January 2025
We happily look back to another successful HKU inspiration day. This annual meeting of all HKU staff members was a special one this year: Executive Board Chair Heleen Jumelet handed out the first copy of the new HKU Long-Term Strategy Plan 2030, subtitled For The Arts!, to Joel Afman, student of Photography and vice chair of the Central Council of Representatives.
For the arts! The future demands artistic imaginary power
Heleen Jumelet: “The future demands artistic imaginary power! HKU, being the largest and broadest university of the arts in the Netherlands, offers a learning environment for meaningful art education in lots of disciplines and crossovers. At AD, HBO, Master and PD/PhD levels, we distinguish ourselves through our artistic quality, the combination of the artistic with the academic, and by merging inclusivity with excellency, while we are pioneering with creative technology and entrepreneurship. And we don’t do this by ourselves: we are shaping HKU together. For the arts, for our students, for each other and for society.”

The Long-Term Strategy looks ahead to where HKU will be in 2030 and describes our mission, vision and core values. The Plan was created together with a large representation of staff members, students, professionals from the field, and knowledge experts. As result, we have a clear long-term strategy for the near future. This new course embodies the ambition to let our art education and practice-oriented research be the best-possible preparation for a career as a professional artist with an impact on people and society.

After the celebratory presentation of the HKU Strategy Plan, Heleen Jumelet spoke with a broad delegation of staff members and one student representative about their inspirations, the strategy’s core values and about what themes they will be working on in the coming time. After that, the staff members got creative in a series of no less than 28 workshops revolving around the new strategy. But first, HKU teacher Anne-Maartje Lemereis, appointed as ‘Composer of the Fatherland’, summarised the plenary conversation in a beautiful music piece that she performed on the piano. All, of course, For the Arts!

HKU’s Long-Term Strategy Plan 2030 is now online
Would you like to know all about our ambitions, core themes, and goals (per theme) towards 2030? You can read them in the (English version of) the

HKU 2030 Meerjarenstrategie nu online
Would you like to know all about our ambitions, core themes, and goals (per theme) towards 2030? You can read them in the (English version of) the HKU 2030 Long-Term Plan.