HKU and UvH celebrate the love at Utrecht Pride

  • 04 June 2024
Saturday 1 June was a celebration of love during Utrecht Pride. Together with the staff and students of the University of Humanistic Studies (UvH), we enjoyed a beautiful day. The morning started with a lunch meeting for partners and staff members who are involved with the themes of equality, diversity and inclusion. In the afternoon, we got on board of the boat that HKU and UvH shared and traversed across the canals of Utrecht. It was one great fantastic party, full of love and joy.
HKU and UvH celebrate the love at Utrecht Pride
For HKU and UvH, the Utrecht Pride is also a mission for the future that goes ‘beyond inclusion’. The lunch meeting, hosted by HKU alumnus, actor and theatre producer Tim Schouten, was all about learning together and from each other. There were contributions by executives Joke van Saane and Edwin Jacobs, along with principal teachers Caroline Suransky and Louis van den Hengel, as well as project leader D&I Ronen Abas. They showed us every level of inclusive policy and taught us to look further than just acceptance and inclusion: how can we as society and as organisations support and strengthen the position of lhbtiq+ people.

In the afternoon, the results of the hard work by the students of HKU and UvH could be seen, heard and experienced on their boat: from the outfits, the presentation on board and the logo, up to the special Pride Song that was written and rehearsed for the occasion.

With the motto ‘We See U – Reflect your Colours’, the students and staff engaged with the public along the canals, in accordance with the general Pride theme ‘U Belong’. It is important to be seen, to be free to be yourself and to show all your colours! It turned out to be a great party, where we could show all the visitors of Utrecht Pride what values we uphold as HKU and UvH.

We sincerely thank all HKU and UvH students and staff members who contributed to this important day. It’s been a great one!