Musician 3.0 celebrates!
Dear People, here we are! At an official moment in the history of our beautiful community. This year Musician 3.0 will have lived and breathed for twelve-and-a-half years. We invite you to join us on Friday night the 15th of March and Saturday the 16th of March in our Celebration: Young People Know Things. Immerse yourself, be inspired and experience our Musician 3.0 universe.
Questions? Please contact Esmée Olthuis.
Musician 3.0
Musician 3.0 is the youngest bachelor of HKU Utrechts Conservatorium. Free of genre and style and free of instrument choice, the programme trains students to become authentic creators and/or performers, artistic leaders and interdisciplinary artists - with music as its starting point.
This anniversary celebration is for...
Everyone with a warm heart for music education; whether as alumnus, present or future student, teacher or staff member, professional or peer, from home and abroad.
Provisional programme
Friday March 15th / 7.30 - 9.30 pm
Onderbuik, Lunet I, Koningsweg 290, Utrecht
We kick off with an underground preview at Onderbuik; a musical incubator for young makers and performers in Utrecht. BUI, platform for improvisational art in Utrecht, presents a special edition of Freeplay; a session where participants improvise together towards a flash performance. The opening will be hosted by Collectief Wezen by Madelief Lammers, which creates site-specific performances from an interplay between people, ceramics and space.
Saturday March 16th / 10 am - 10 pm
HKU Utrechts Conservatorium, K&W building, Mariaplaats 27, Utrecht
Embark on an artistic hero's journey through the K&W building. A journey in three rounds inspired by the three-pronged approach to our education: inspiration, creation and reflection. The entire program is designed by the Musician 3.0 community. You'll experience and participate in musical performances, (stand up) performances, spoken word, visual art, installations, audio walks, video projections and more. We'll end the day with Makers Mani-Fest: a festival of performances by the Musician 3.0 community.
09:30 - 10:00 Walk-in
10:00 - 11:15 Start
11:30 - 12:45 INSPIRATION
12:45 - 14:00 Break for lunch (included)
14:00 - 15:30 CREATION
16:30 - 17:30 REFLECTION
17:30 - 19:30 Break for dinner (not included)
19:30 - 21:30 Makers Mani-Fest
Young People Know Things
In honour of the 12.5 year anniversary of Musician 3.0, a publication will appear that includes interviews with teachers teachers who pioneered the programme. One of them is Tet Koffeman, One of them is Tet Koffeman, also designer and course leader from the very beginning. In her words:
"We broke with thoughts and beliefs that had nestled deeply into the heart of the conservatory. For example the pattern of fear-based learning. Cultivating fear of making mistakes. And the concept of climbing a ladder, hoping one day you would reach the highest rung. One of my core beliefs is that there is no ladder. It is a field. And learning and exploring have long begun. Young people know things."