Kaboom Festival 2025

  • 21/03
  • 30/03
As part of the festival, HKU is hosting the Kaboom Industry Days on Tuesday 25 and Wednesday 26 March. Both days are fully dedicated to the animation industry. Part of the programme is the masterclass 'Bringing original IPs to Life' where film maker Perrine Gauthier explores the ways in which authors and producers collaborate to bring new characters and worlds to life, and to transform them into one-of-a-kind, strong international IPs. There are also one-on-one meetings with many people from the industry. There is also a 'Directors Talk', where three creators from the Benelux talk about their early careers.

Each year, Kaboom selects the 'The Kaboom Debutantes': a small group of talented animation graduates. Their work is on display during ‘The Best Showreels Screening & Contest’. Among them, one winner will be selected three days later during the 'Debutante's Ball' in Ekko.

Come visit and reach the network: animation studios, foundations, teachers and students! More info is available at kaboomfestival.nl. Tickets are now available via this link.


  • 10:30-11:45 Kaboom Camp Kick Off & Swan Gods and Slugs | Auditorium
    10:30-18:00 Best Showreels Loop | Mobiele Bioscoop
    11:45-12:15 Coffee break | Atrium
    12:00-13:30 Debutants Meet Studios: One-on-One Meetings | Meeting room (alleen op uitnodiging)
    12:15-13:45 Animation Toolbox | Auditorium
    13:45-14:15 Coffee break | Atrium
    14:15-15:45 Directors Talk: Choose Your Own Adventure | Auditorium
    14:30-16:00 Table Talks: Break the Ice | Meeting room (open registratie)
    15:45-16:15 Coffee break | Atrium
    16:15-17:15 The Best Showreels Screening & Contest | Auditorium
    17:15-18:00 New Talents’ Screen Takeover | Auditorium
    18:30-21:00 Debutants Ball & Afterparty | EKKO
  • 10:00-11:00 Kaboom PRO Opening & New Opportunities for Animation | Auditorium
    10:00-18:00 Best Showreels Loop | Mobiele Bioscoop
    11:00-11:30 Coffee break | Atrium
    11:15-12:45 Animation Industry Meeting | Meeting room (in Dutch; on invitation only)
    11:30-12:30 Masterclass: Bringing Orig­i­nal IPs to Life (Real Examples Included!) | Auditorium
    12:30-13:15 Lunch break | Atrium
    13:00-16:30 Kaboom PRO Meet Up Space | Atrium (open registratie)
    13:15-15:00 Benelux Animation Pitch | Auditorium
    15:00-15:30 Coffee break | Atrium
    15:15-17:15 Benelux Animation Pitch: One-on-one Meetings | Meeting room (only on invitation)
    15:30-17:00 The Best Is Yet to Come: Fresh Dutch Titles on the Circuit | Auditorium
    16:00-17:30 Dutch Animation Schools Working Session | Meeting room upstairs (only on invitation)
    17:00-18:30 Industry Drinks | Atrium
    19:00-20:30 Benelux Co-Production Dinner | Hygge (alleen op uitnodiging)