IMMSANE Media Music and Sound Arts Congres

  • 23/09
  • 24/09
IMMSANE Media Music and Sound Arts Congres
During the two congress days (that can be visited for free by HKU students and lecturers who register), the interesting programme includes, among others:
- keynote by Dennis Braunsdorf about Music Technology & the Composition Process;
- case study of the cinematic music by Han Otten for the movie Marionette;
- panel discussion with young media composers and sound designers ‘How to survive as a starting-out media composer or sound designer’;
- presentation of Composing for Dolby Atmos;
- panel discussion about AI and Futures in Media Music.

But there’s more…
The IMMSANE congress takes place in the week of the Netherlands Film Festival (NFF). The NFF also has a Professionals Programme, of which the sound design and composition (on Sunday 25 September) aligns with the IMMSANE congress.
Examples are the Prof Talks by Daniel Pemberton of Peter Albrechtsen.

Don’t forget to write down the IMMSANE congress and NFF in your agendas for two days of inspiration and information!