House of Europe: songs from the heart

Unique international song project about Europe as a home

House of Europe: songs from the heart
House of Europe: songs from the heart is a concert that brings together people, cultures and stories. 24 young people from all over Europe will work together on new music for a week from 4 November at HKU Utrechts Conservatorium. Seven European conservatoires, including HKU Utrechts Conservatorium, are sending students. Two young people who are newcomers to Utrecht from outside Europe staying in a refugee shelter will also collaborate in the concert. The result of the joint creative process is a full-length concert in Het Wilde Westen.

All participants have never seen each other before, have different backgrounds and experiences. Yet they also have similarities: they all live in Europe, are all young and speak one common language: that of music.
Participating students are from the following conservatoires:
  • Italy: Conservatory of Music Luisa D'Annunzio
  • Spain: Escuela de Música Creativa
  • Finland: Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
  • Estonia: Viljandi Culture Academy
  • Austria: Vienna Music Institute
  • Ukraine: Kharkiv National Kotlyarevsky University of Arts
  • The Netherlands: HKU Utrechts Conservatorium
Two young people staying at the refugee shelter on Joseph Haydnlaan in Utrecht are also collaborating in the performance.

House of Europe: songs from the heart is a musical search for the answer to the question: what is in our hearts? What ideals, hopes and dreams do we share? And do we perhaps understand each other better when we let our hearts speak? Questions that, in the light of current events on Europe's eastern border, are more relevant than ever.

House of Europe: songs from the heart is the culmination of a multi-year international cooperation project between seven European conservatoires. Besides a closing concert, the project includes (online) clinics on intercultural work and the music industry in an international perspective, among other topics.


House of Europe: songs from the heart
Fri 8 November 19.30-21.30 hours
Het Wilde Westen
Everard Meijsterlaan 1B, Utrecht
Free entrance, but please register in advance
Not able to come? You can also follow the concert via a livestream (link to follow).