HKU Utrechts Conservatorium: Student for a Day

HKU Utrechts Conservatorium: Student for a Day
Student for a Day lets you experience what a class day in your preferred department looks like. You spend the day in a group, together with other prospective students. This is your chance to experience how lessons are taught at HKU Utrechts Conservatorium, to get to know the buildings, and to talk with students and teachers. You take group lessons in music theory and music history, ensemble lessons and you can sometimes attend concerts. Please note that you cannot take individual classes in the main subject.

Sign up

Practical info

All our departments offer a Student for a Day, on multiple week days from 11 to 15 December: Classical Music, Historical Performance Practice, Jazz & Pop, Musician 3.0 and Music Teacher Training. You can only register for one day per department. Think carefully which day you prefer before you register; you cannot change it later. Would you like to visit several departments, e.g. Jazz & Pop and Musician 3.0? You can! Please note that you can only visit one department per day.

Keep in mind that due to limited capacity, we cannot guarantee participation in Student for a Day. Please register as soon as possible but no later than 1 December. We do our best to accomodate as many people as possible. We will let you know in the week of 4 December whether we have a place for you. In that case, you will immediately receive all practical information about your programme.

Student for a Day per department

Classical Music
Aspiring students of all instruments are welcome on Monday 11 December. We offer specific Student for a Day programmes for certain principal subjects: Choral Conducting (Wednesday 13 and Friday 15 December), Church Music (Wednesday 13 December), Composition (Wednesday 13 December) and Carillon (Tuesday 12 December). Are you interested in the main subject of Vocals? Then you can join us on Wednesday 13 or Thursday 14 December.

Historical Performance Practice
Be a Student for a Day at the Historical Execution Practice Department on Monday 11 or Tuesday 12 December.

Next to Student for a Day, we will again offer a Historical Week in April. Here, teachers will be presenting various modules consisting of lectures, master classes and more. During the week, you can also take a one-hour private masterclass from a lecturer of your choice. Would you like to take part in our Historical Week? Please apply via the online application form, we will keep you informed about the programme in the coruse of March.

Jazz & Pop
Aspiring students of all instruments are welcome on Monday 11 or Wednesday 13 December. Are you interested in the main subject of Vocals? Then you can join us on Thursday 14 December.

You can also find out more about the admission procedure during Student for a Day. Want to be fully prepared for the admission procedure? Take part in Be Prepared! Participants are taught by senior-year Jazz & Pop students under the guidance of their teachers. They will help you with questions and everything you need to be well prepared for admission.

Musician 3.0
Be a Student for a Day at Musician 3.0 on Tuesday 12 or Thursday 14 December.

Music in Education programme
Student for a Day at our Music in Education programme takes place from November to March on Monday, Thursdays and Fridays. Student-members of the course committee and class representatives take the visitors under their wings. For more information and to register: send an e-mail to tutor Mathijs van der Heide.

Hope to see you at HKU Utrechts Conservatorium during Student for a Day!