• 09/12
  • 17/12

In HATCHED we, 14 HKU Fine Art students, present new work. HATCHED came about on our own initiative, following the challenge to all third-year students to organize their own exhibition.
We would like to invite you to come see the results of our working process over the past months. Although as a group we don’t use an overarching theme, there are interesting connections to be discovered in the exhibition. The everyday and the activity of collecting and archiving are some of the common threads in our work. How do we relate to our environment, our bodies and to each other?

The title HATCHED refers to the phase we are currently in: still in the familiar environment of the academy, but brooding on a breakout. This exhibition is an opportunity for us to show our work in a new, collaborative context and provides a sneak peek of our upcoming graduation year.

Hazel van Berkel, Noud Boogaard, Julia van Dijck, Harry Edmunds-Bergin, Franka Gilbert, Dieuwke Jollema Gorter, Polly Kunst, Helen van Leeuwen, Rayn, Marieke van Ringelesteijn, Inês Da Silva Aguiar, Florentien Stikkelorum, Pargol Tavakoli Shirazi, Yingtong Zhou

09.12 – 17.12
Wed. – Sun. 13:00 – 18:00 h.

Friday 08.12 om 17.00 h.