Future Health Expo - part 2

  • 06/10
Future Health Expo - part 2

Health Hub Utrecht, of which HKU is one of the partners involved, started the Future Health Expo in June, during the Dutch Health Week. Now the Health Hub is joining the Utrecht Science Week on 6 October. Take a tour along inspiring works that let us think about how art, design and media can get us closer to shaping a healthy and happy lifestyle. Every day again, from morning to the evening. What innovative solutions can we find together in het ‘Lab of Everyday’. How can we eat and drink more responsibly, find better ways to rest and sleep, study and work more comfortably, find ‘greener’ ways of play and leisure, safer ways of dating and making love and ways towards more sports and exercise? The future demands our creativity and courage!

We set out a route that starts at the City Hall, along the Vitality Lab ROC in the FC Utrecht Stadium, towards the Pavilion and the Tropical Greenhouse in the Botanic Garden at Utrecht Science Park. Here we end with a network reception. Join us and be amazed!

Please note that the main language during the tour and at the Future Health Expo is Dutch.
For most of the designs on display, language is no problem.

Register here (Dutch form)