Theatre for the hearing impaired: Broos at Sencity Festival

Students of Interactive Performance Design

  • 05/04
Theatre for the hearing impaired: Broos at Sencity Festival

Sencity Festival, a festival for people with hearing issues, is featuring the graduation project of fourth-year students of Interactive Performance Design at HKU Theatre. They created an interactive installation/experience that can be enjoyed by both people who are deaf and those who are not, at Sencity Festival.

Maker Jessie van den Broek explains the creation process (Dutch video, with English subtitles)
The installation can be experienced at Sencity during the afternoon and evening programme. In the night, the installation is displayed as an exhibit, offering a place to rest and relax.

Creator Charlotte Helsper: 'The assignment allowed lots of freedom, yet with the main requirement, naturally, that it had to be made for people who cannot hear, have trouble hearing or have a CI hearing device, as well as those who can hear. For us, this was the main challenge, since we are not part of this target group ourselves. This only motivated us to go and study this target group. Our research methods consisted in part of contacting them and enter discussion with people in, or near, this target group. This is how we increased our knowledge, along with visiting exhibitions – plus an abundance of post-its on the wall!’

About Broos

Making our cherished thoughts tangible without words. Offering an immersive experience where you are invited to go on a journey, both within and outside.

Before you start on this journey, you are given a little lamp to carry with you. In this light, you carry a thought that you cherish. You constantly feel the vibration of a deep breath on your back, as you follow the illuminated roots on the ground. Along your journey, you meet a fellow traveller, carrying a light just like you. From now on, you will be travelling together. At the end of the road, you find the keeper of your thoughts. She will store your precious thoughts for you and cherish them, like she did for those that came before you.

Broos, meaning ‘Brittle’, is a project about creating spaces to take for ourselves and one another. It arose from the idea that we as creators sense that there is not enough room for this in our current society.

Broos is a project by: JJessie van Den Broek, Ezra Menard en Charlotte Helsper, for Sencity Festival in commission of Possibilize.

More info and tickets