Online practical admission HKU Utrechts Conservatorium

On this page you will find information about the online practical admission from HKU Utrechts Conservatorium

Online practical admission HKU Utrechts Conservatorium

Online practical admission

On this page you will find all information regarding an online practical admission for a study program at HKU Utrecht Conservatorium. Read this page carefully!

Online practial admission

On this page you will find all information regarding an online practical admission for a study program at HKU Utrecht Conservatorium. Read this page carefully!
  • Start the pitch to introduce yourself (name, place of residence, instrument(s) and age). Speak clearly and not too quickly.

    Then tell us a bit about yourself and answer the following questions:
    • How long have you been playing music?
    • How long have you had lessons, and who was your teacher?
    • What is your musical background (education, experience)
    • In what kind of bands/ensembles have you played?
    • Describe your role as a musician in a band, considering your specific instrument.
    • What do you like when it comes to playing your instrument and making music in general; who are your influences and heroes (especially regarding your own instrument)?
    • What kind of music do you prefer to listen to?
    • Do you play more than one instrument and if so, which ones?
    • Do you create/write your own music? Tell us about it (and/or show us in your performance)
    • Are you open to different musical styles?
    • What motivates you to choose an education and career in music? How do you see your future, professionally?
    • How well do you work alone?
    • How well do you work with other people?
  • In this video you show a summary of your practice admission assignments (which you have already received from us). At least 1 piece must be in ensemble with other musicians.

    Every track/each individual piece, has to be recorded in one take - no editing is allowed. Also, do not change camera position during a track. The tracks need not all be recorded on the same day or in the same loation. Do make sure that both, yourself and your instrument, are clearly visible and audible.

Submit assignments and deadline

You can email the personal pitch and video to Don't forget to include your student number and your study course in this email. The deadline for submitting the pitch and video is 1 April 2023.

Please note: the personal pitch and video can be a maximum of 200 MB per document.

Other information

You will receive a separate email no later than 1 April 2023 with the request to schedule an appointment for the online practical admission. A few days before your online practical admission, you will receive the Zoom link by email.

Practical tips for online admission

  • Make sure your computer is set up and ready to use. You need a good internet connection and good quality video and sound. Note: your normal zoom settings are not suitable for use with musical instruments. There are many resources available online with tips on the correct settings. Look it up and test beforehand how it sounds to the receiver.
  • During the exam, also keep in mind that the committee must be able to see that you actually play the instrument. For example, if you play the piano, the camera should be positioned so that we can see your hands.
  • The online exam will be exactly the same as an exam on location. Make sure you can hear the committee while you play as they may interrupt you to ask questions, ask you to play something else or give you different instructions.


Please check the answer to your question is listed under FAQ, under the category 'Admission'.

If you have any other questions, please contact the HKU Service Desk Student Affairs by e-mail via or phone +31 (0)30 2091540.030-2091540.