Healthcare and wellbeing

One of HKU’s guiding lights is ‘The Art of Healthcare and Wellbeing’, focusing on the unique contributions that the arts can provide with respect to (public) health.

How can we shape the ways in which we care for ourselves and each other in the 21st century? The world is changing, and we are reaching the limits of our current healthcare system. A caring society therefore requires new ways of cooperation.

HKU reseachers and students create momentum

HKU sees an important role for our researchers and students in tackling the challenges in the healthcare sector and in general wellbeing. Artists and designers are particularly suited to question the current systems, bring stagnant processes back in motion, and imagine alternatives for the future. They can perceive from a completely different angle, not limited by the ingrained assumptions, across the various disciplines, and come up with new ideas.

Meaningful experiences that improve wellbeing

Such contributions can take various forms: an app that that makes children with an illness more mentally resilient, a robot that can have a chat with Alzheimer’s patients, or a personal work of art that gives the terminally ill creator a sense of purpose again. The purpose of such projects is not to find a recipe that solves all illness, but to create meaningful experiences that make people feel better. And to learn from the cooperation about the various roles and positions involved in designing a healthy and caring society.

Student artworks and educational projects

HKU applies art in the search for solutions for societal challenges. Students at all HKU schools are encouraged to work within the three so-called guiding lights, one of them being Healthcare and Wellbeing. For example, students give shape to their own and other’s physical and mental experiences, develop tools that improve communication between patients and relatives or healthcare professionals, or work in co-creation with clients and patients in a neighbourhood, or with the residents of care homes.

In exhbitions such as Do We Care and the Future Health Expo, works of our students are displayed to draw attention to this theme. Below you see a selection from the rich collection of student works and educational projects in the field of healthcare and wellbeing.

Research and Innovation

In our research and innovation projects, we mainly focus on the roles, methodologies, practices, and eventual impact of transdisciplinary cooperation. We do this both in the context of healthcare and wellbeing and in cultural environments and artistic practices. We also conduct research together on how we can ensure that HKU itself offers a caring learning and working environment, and how to build communities of care.

Below you see a selection of our artistic and practice-based research projects in the field of healthcare.

Organisation and partnerships

HKU believes that the perspective of the arts, along with the power of design, can offer an indispensable contribution to the necessary transition in healthcare and wellbeing. To really make a significant social impact in this sector, we cooperate regularly with other knowledge institutions and with partners in professional healthcare, the wellbeing sector, and the cultural domain. We do this, for instance, in the 8-years-long SPRONG-programme Creating Cultures of Care.

In the Utrecht region, we also cooperate with Health Hub Utrecht network, and we have a strategic cooperation with The University of Humanistic Studies (including the professional group on Healthcare Ethics), as well as with the UMCU in De Nieuwe Utrechtse School. With Gjilke Keuning as its intendant, HKU is strongly positioning itself on this theme, right in the heart of society. Would you like to learn more? Feel free to contact us via or

Below you can read more about our partnerships and networks related to this social challenge: